Saturday, February 2, 2013

A Source Of Passion

We want what keeps us fighting,
A desire fed by the constant reigniting,
Of a source so potent, the fumes seem so inviting.
To a heart of solemn and solitude, a fortune of fallen dues,
Reimbursed by the valiant moods,
Of those who sit at an avalanche of altitudes,
Awaiting the arrival of a new means of fuel,
To keep the flame of passion burning strong.


I don't believe in war, just a burning bridge short of mutiny.
The devil dogs force out a roar; the basilisks of distorted apathy.
Torment never fought my battles and I run more than I stand my ground,
I'm being sucked down the Colorado without a paddle, only force to swim.
The current is always getting fiercer, and my body cannot withstand the waves,
Seven years from the broken mirror, my luck remains in the graves.

Too Far Away

I've grown captive to fear,
Every second drags on to an eternity,
My depression feeds off my anxieties.
Time keeps slipping through my fingers,
But I waste away as nothing;
Absent from who I used to be,
And ever so distant from who I am yet to become.

One Day

Dreams like rivers flowing,
Moonlit nights holding the glows in,
Attracted to a life that there is no hope in,
Praying for the day there is a happy end.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


There's been a drought,
so dry this earth has been,
dying, day by day,
rotting amongst itself,
shall it be revived,
or with the heat devour its life?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

You Know

Once I have dreamt of a girl who was magnificently amazing
in every way, shape, and form, she held my heart close,
but to my sorrow, my eyes kept dry,
for i was saddened from the times that she cried,
from the choices i made to not be with her,
what a terrible decision, a burden so worn,
like a velvet cape it swiftly choked me,
just like a noose grasping my neck, oh so tightly,
but i always recalled my love for her,
and told myself why i had to be with her,
because it was not an obsession or a mad man love,
but an amazing feeling, like watching a dove,
fly gracefully, proud, in the air so swine,
this girl that i love, and she was so divine!
her beauty and way her personality played,
such a big role, like a theater show stage,
but nothing was planned, this wasn't an act,
I love this girl dearly, and that is a fact!
but the times she was sad from my neglectful behavior,
was not so respect for my significant savior,
from the moment i looked, deep within her eyes,
i felt warm embrace, as a miracle surprise,
and as i had wish i could only say,
the reason that i did love her this way,
it wasn't easy to think of a story to tell,
or a poem to write, about her being, her smell,
i shuffled through my words of an amazing description,
no pain involved to cause a horrible infliction,
for i did not know the right words to speak,
i felt like a nerd, a n00b, a geek!
but then i realized the thing i could say all along,
by admitting my feelings that i had for her in song,
and I'd sing it to her daily, monthly, by week,
even if she thought i was a big freak,
but in the end i just wanted her to know,
I'm sorry for neglecting you, I love you, you know..

Why We Walk (How I Love You)

It seems like a hole is emerging,
a gaping chasm of fate,
a twist, a turn, a thrill, a very depressing state,
from the moments of life I've been away from you,
leave my eyes soaked, quite wet, yes it's true,
for this everlasting longing just to be with you,
it's not a disease but a desire I choose,
for you to have my heart, and all of my life,
that's why I want you to be my wife,
so i can have someone to be with, for the love i have given,
for this journey we will taken, so far was well driven,
just a couple bumps along the way, no biggie,
but as move along it's starting to get tricky,
but i wont give up hope, nor will i ever,
i have complete faith for us being together,
from no to forever, there is no obstacle,
too large nor to bulky, to replace this feeling in my skull,
also I'm my heart and my soul, it is engraved into stone,
as deep as you please, and it punctures the bone,
it sounds a bit scary but it's really just intense,
but it's more solid and more sturdy then a fence,
a wall, a barricade, nor this time can keep me from,
believing and chasing the feelings that have become,
so deep and important to be with you, I know my life revolves around you!
but baby, don't cry when the time seems a bit long,
for it will go by, so listen to this song,
this poem of how i cope with my fear,
my pain and my anxiety, for all you shall hear,
is the amount of love i have given to you,
and every feeling admitted is 100% true,
so please don't be sad, depressed as some say,
we'll be living together someday,
we just need to take this dilemma and push it away,
wake ourselves up to this new reality,
because this brown piece in the jar may cause much pain at first,
but in order to mend, we must cleanse and disperse,
for these moments i await the arrival of you,
we will understand ourselves within a much deeper view,
and though it is tough, it's what we have to do,
so come on baby, don't feel so blue,
just take my hand, and follow me through,
this road is not so confusing if we take it as two,
so keep your chin up, and I'll raise my own too,
and I'll sing to you baby, of how much i love you.