Monday, July 14, 2008


Greatly under the influence,
of influenza, a rare misfortune,
we raise our heads, and we take one breathe,
step by step, we lead the way
disaster prone, and the lies have grown,
this pain is getting deeper in my skull,
and when it goes away, the scars will still remain,
and the emptiness will overflow inside,
the emptiness will flow throughout my mind...

The river of a thousand pairs of fatalities, you must beware,
erupted from the spout of luck, the flames will only sear,
a menacing repulsion awaits, so strongly of the words it states,
to stay calm and not be late, because the plan is so irate,
the timing will never belate,
such a wonderful destruction of glory, of honor, of infamy, of society
or maybe it's just you and me; the creature that feeds so violently,
for our time has run out,
and with a smirk the creature will jerk our heads into the dark,
a spinning fate of tragedy, the suffocation of us be,
the last expression of the glee,
to proclaim FATALITY!

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