Monday, July 14, 2008


Drowned out from the fear of denial,
laid a hopeless boy with the lack of heart,
he had not been through much,
he held what he had close,
his misery was sent away from the voice of this ghost

It was not a ghost as stories do say,
more of an angel, with her secretive ways,
of bringing happiness to the sad and to the frail,
she was amazing indeed, and shared a magnificent tale,
Of how love had developed so strongly,
amongst one boy and one girl,
their lives became bonded, like a packaging seal

The boy listened in awe,
as the angel danced through the air,
the story began to twist into something more then a tale,
into reality the events became true,
the boy found the girl he had been searching for so long,
his goal had been reached, the struggle was done,
he smiled at her, and said the words,
"Your amazing, I can't believe I found you.."

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