Monday, July 14, 2008

Journey To The Keeper

To the Fortress we go!

Spinning in the weathered road,
Traveling along and so far,
The distance is unlimited, for so far we must go,
Leaving our dust in our tracks, we continue to move on,
Our heads held high, on this twisted narrow path

Along the way we see creatures,
Eyes that burn with hate, and ones that burn with lies,
It'd is hard to capture the truth from their looks,
So ignorance is key, we move along steadily

Murderers and Rapists follow us off of the path for some time,
But we are arrogant,
We simply continue on,
for it's all that we know on this journey here forth

Down in the horizon, the windy brush compacts along the trail,
Making the adventure more difficult to continue, yet we fight through our struggles,
And we make our way through the densities and into the view of our ending point,
The fortress that we longed for was not as we expected it,
It was half engulfed in light and other in dark,
There he stood,
The man who controlled us all, the one,
The only,
The Keeper.

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